Thursday, August 8, 2019

Day 14?

Sitting around the fire tonight I keep starting to drift off to sleep.  It has been a long War and people are starting to pack up for the long ride home.  For hours a few people have been trying to burn down a log that is wet.  It is almost there and then sleep.

This morning Gideon went out to fight at the castle battle.  When he came back he was carrying a shield with the device of the SCA on it.  He won the award for the most chivalrous fighter in his division. 

We attended the Arts and Sciences Competition.  There are some very talented artists.  Book binding, calligraphy and illumination,  glass work and so many other talents were displayed.

There was a vigil tonight for someone who has earned their Laurel.  I got to talk with them as well as some of the folks waiting their turn.  So many special moments for people.

All these things are my happy for today.


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