Saturday, August 3, 2019

Ninth Day

The half way point has been reached.  Now the hard part starts.  Today at camp we had a little gathering that went fairly well.  Not as many folks came as I would have liked, but it was good.  A bunch of us gathered and then processed into the Opening Ceremonies together.  During the Opening Ceremonies War is declared and all the different Kingdoms and a few other large groups declare which side of the War they will be fighting for.  We live in the East and the East wins, a lot.  Not very many other Kingdoms sided with us this year.  My quick look at the history of Pennsic shows me that the East has been on the winning side 9 out of the 10 last years.  That one off year it was declared a tie. 

It isn't about winning for most of us though.  Or at least it hasn't really been for me.  It is all for fun and learning.  Learning may mean a craft or may mean learning things about oneself as their mettle is tested.  Last year there was a huge amount of personal challenges as our Baron at the time had died right before War.  This year so many things are different as we make our way forward without him and with myself and K as the new Baronage.  So many things we are learning and so many things we are forgetting or not realizing need to be done until it isn't happening or what we want isn't there.  I really miss his guidance and friendship.  Becoming a landed Baron or Baroness is all a learning curve.  In three to six years from when we stepped up, and it is time to step down, maybe we'll have a better idea of what we should be doing.  😜

This evening when things had quieted down one of the people camping with us had a question for me.  This person doesn't reside in our Barony but they camp with us.  They asked me if I would be their Baroness.  They live in a part of the Kingdom that is not a Barony.  We have other political areas such as Provinces, Shires, and Ridings.  They reside in one of those.  Anyhow, I told them I would be honored to be their Baroness in whatever way I could.  This little conversation is my happy thing for today.  There were many other happy things today, but that one is the special one for today.

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