Friday, August 23, 2019

My Last Summer Friday

The goal I set for today has not yet been reached.  I had hoped to finish the Archery Champion band I am weaving.  I stopped because I needed a rest and I thought it was almost midnight.  I still need the break, but it is just eleven, so not quite midnight?  I have 3.5 inches to call this one done.  Most of the day tomorrow I will be crafting with friends and will be weaving more then.  I'm really hoping to get half way through the next band.  So much to do and so many distractions!

Most of today was spent at a friend's studio where I planned to weave.  I did, but the position I was in when I first got there was not the best for weaving and my back started bothering me.  Eventually I found a place to work comfortably, but not as much got completed as could have.  But hey, here are my happy things for today:

  • The first band is mostly done, even though not as far as I wanted.
  • I walked to the studio and back so I got some exercise today.
  • While weaving, I listened to an audio book.  Multi-tasking!
  • Ben and Jerry's Salted Caramel Core Ice Cream.
  • Singing.  

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