Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Many pictures

This morning I went for a walk with friends and we went three times around a pond totaling three miles.  This evening I walked to where we went out for dinner which was about 3.6 miles.  My step count for the day is over 17,000.  This goes a little way to making up for yesterday and less then 1000 steps. 

In other news a ball was dropped and now there is a bunch of things that will need to get done before our next local event.  So very thankful for friends that are around to help and remind me of all the things that are supposed to happen leading up to an event.  I definitely need to work on a time line as to what and when things need to be done going forward to alleviate some of this last minute rushing.  These are things that I knew happened but not how to go about them before becoming a Baroness.  And so they were forgotten.

My happy things for the day are my walks.  Going into the summer I had hoped to climb a few mountains.  This hasn't happened and now my list has grown for the other things that I need to do and pushed climbing down in priority.  Exercise needs to remain higher up on the list though, and walks or going to the gym don't take up the same amount of time as traveling to the mountains for a day long hike does.

Some sights from today's walks.

Going back in time to Pennsic, August 7th, here are a few pictures.

A bunch of fencers and Baronages after the Known World Baronial Champions Tourney.

Cute Family! 


Other family and cute kid photos. 

The Moon.

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