Saturday, November 16, 2019

Arts and Sciences-picture heavy

A few years ago the family was at an event with an Arts and Sciences exhibit.  Gideon was bothered by the lack of sciences.  This is not to say that he didn't appreciate the arts, but he likes science.  Today there was a good sized Arts and Sciences competition and display.  Gideon has been researching the Black Plague off and on for the last two months and displayed his findings so far.   He did an awesome job and received many tokens from people.  The Queen  and Prince went to see all the different things that were on display.  They seemed to really enjoy Gideon and his research.  The Queen  gave him her favor and a ring.

Later, at court, awards were given and a member of Stonemarche who had competed won on three different levels.  ❤  We also had a member of the Barony receive her Maunche.   Many people I don't know got awards as well.  The Queen has a tradition giving a token to a person who inspired her during the day of an event.  Today she gave two, one of them was to Gideon!

My gratitude today is for all the people who stopped and gave a seven year old with a science research project their time, patience and occasional token as he shared with them his knowledge of the black plague.

My happy things for today: smiles from friends and strangers, inspiration, hugs, my friend in Texas completed an important project, Gideon, and safe travels.

Gideon talking about his project. 

Before we cleaned up, I tried to get a picture of all
 the tokens and things he received. 

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