Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday-learning day

     One of the fun things about working at a school is learning new things.  Theoretically, as a graduate of the seventh grade, I should know all the stuff.  I don't.  Some stuff is new, like Science that either didn't get taught or wasn't known.  Same with History.  There are Math things that I have just forgotten or the steps I take are not what they are teaching now.  In Language Arts there are names being put to things that I didn't know the names of and stories that I've never heard.  Art class is way more involved then what I had growing up and we never had to learn a musical instrument but the kids today get the basics.  There was no such thing as Team Building, Robotics or a few other classes that are now offered.

     A few years ago I was trying to write a poem on every walk that I took.  When my dog passed away, this routine ended and I wrote less often.  Any how, back then I went looking for a book on poetry.  I wanted the different types, not just rhyming scheme.  I was looking for things like acrostic and limerick and some less common ones that I may not have heard of.  I found very little.  Today in Language Arts the students made Blackout Poems from a piece of narrative writing they recently completed.  I found a website about creating them here.  I have seen them before but didn't have a name or direction.  I was hoping to take yesterday's blog and make a blackout poem out of it.  Instead, I helped Gideon with his Arts & Sciences display for tomorrow's event.  Soon though, I hope to create my own blackout poem.

     The new things that I am picking up by attending seventh grade over and over is what I am grateful for today.  Similar to last night and being able to present something to someone who was absent from a court; K and I got to do that tonight for someone who helped with making sure the last set of royalty looked nice in their garb.  That is my happy for today.

     Tired and still need to get ready for the event tomorrow.  😴

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