Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy November!

On the way home from work today I forgot what year it was. Only for a moment. It seems that I have been hearing things on the radio and seeing things at work with next year's date and I had a momentary lapse thinking it was already 2020.  Brains are weird, especially when they are tired.  I hate to say it but I don't think I ever recovered from last weekend and my lack of sleep.  Words are rough tonight.  I was hoping to see how far I could get doing NaNoWriMo this year.  If tonight is any sign, it won't be far.  252 words is quite the distance from the 1667-2000 I was hoping for.  I'm going to try for sleep and removing my inhibitions tomorrow.  I need to remember things like: this isn't a final draft, word vomit is okay, and nobody else ever has to read it. 

Off to dreamland I will go, thankful that I am able to use Z's computer and type at least some of the time and happy that I walked over three miles today.

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