Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rose Tokens

     Within the SCA there are many different awards one may receive.  Some of these come with titles, some are more honorific in nature.  This last weekend I attended Crown Tourney where I stepped forward for a knight who was not able to attend court and accepted a Rose Token for him.  This is something given by a member of the Order of the Rose to a fighter that inspired them in some way that day.  Please see the previous links for more information about these.
     Tonight I went to fighter practice in order to present the token to the recipient.  It was very informal and I felt very under dressed in my work clothes and without a coronet on my head.  I still tried to do my best to explain a little about the meaning behind the token.  My hope is that by the time K and I finish our reign as the baronages that I will have used as many opportunities that I can find as teaching moments about court (tonight was not technically a court).  Especially since court is one of the things that I still feel inept at.  That is correct.  I am Baroness, have been playing at this game for more than 30 years, and still don't feel like I understand all the intricacies of a court within the SCA.  I forget to bow and fumble my words to name a few... it's a thing and I am working on it.  I don't feel I fumbled too much tonight, but I had been hoping more words would come to me. 

     We have some wonderful people in the Barony and tonight I met four new people.  This is my happy for today.  The new folks are the future.  My grateful thing is that I am so thankful to have this opportunity to be a part of this community of SCA people.  There are so many kind and chivalrous folks.  And the talent these people possess!  It is awe inspiring.  I must work harder to personally thank these people more often.

Hats, because, reasons.
Reasons include joy.


The moon. 

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