Saturday, November 9, 2019

Crown Tourney

Some friends and I chose to day trip to Crown Tourney which was in NY State.  This was over four hours in the car for me and over five  hours for the folks from Maine who traveled with me, each way.  So I am tried and achy.  It was a good day though.  I was, perhaps, a bit more introverted today then I should have been.  I didn't watch all the fighting, mostly just the finals.  I caught pieces of other fights, but was able to get closer for the finals.  It was a tough day out there, at least for the spectators, with temperatures in the upper 30's or low 40's.  The East now has a new set of royalty, two Princes.  They will step up in about five months when the current Crown's term is over.

After the tourney, there were awards given out to many people.  My happy for today was the laughter shared with the lovely ladies that drove along with me to and from this trip.  I am thankful to have been able to have this opportunity to go down and to be able to use K's van to get us there and back.


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