Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Memory Lane

 After work today I ran an errand as a favor for a friend.  This brought me to the town of New Boston where there happens to be a Rail Trail that I had never been on, until today.  I wasn't able to stay out too long since it was getting dark.  This trail is not paved like so many of the other ones are becoming around the state.  The dirt path made it easy for me to imagine a train going down there a hundred years ago.  A small river ran near to the trail, black water slowly babbling along.  The water is not black, but it has the appearance of being so.

This reminded me of where I used to live when I was a little, around 7 - 8 years old.  We lived in the town next to New Boston, not far from Black Brook.  I thought about driving by the house rather than walking.  I made the right choice.  On the way home from the walk I ended up driving by the road I lived on then.  I didn't realize that it was off a road I travel occasionally when visiting some friends.  Someday that detour will happen and I'll get to see that house again.

My happy for today is the walk.  My cheeks were cold and lungs full of fresh air.  I am thankful that I had the time today to run that errand and walk in the woods. 

This had the appearance of a campsite or at least a place where people have a fire. 

An old train service price list. 

This is the building that used to be the depot for the trains. 

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