Wednesday, November 13, 2019


On the way to work today, off in the distance, there was a truck that was too far away for detail.  From that distance though it appeared that a giant cat was holding onto the roof of the truck.  There was a lift of some kind on the back that had the appearance of a tail.  Or maybe I just need new glasses!  😎

There's a thing I am signed up for through work that is supposed to encourage people to be more healthy by paying them for making healthy choices.  When I make my step count goals I earn towards this.  There are different challenges, most seem to involve diet and exercise but there are some for stress relief and other things.  Today I started a grateful challenge.  It almost seems unfair since it is something I have already been doing for a bit.

There is one other para educator that I work with and she is gone on vacation this week.  This morning the case manager and I were discussing how we would share the void that the vacation left when a substitute walked in.  The sub got a quick hug from us.  We were both so relieved and grateful that there was that person and we could basically go along with our day as we would have otherwise.  I don't know if there will be another sub or not tomorrow (or the next few days), but I am grateful for the one today.

K, Gideon, and I went for a short walk in the cold this afternoon to the local library.  I got a library card.  I have been using the card I have through where I used to live to check out online items and occasionally going to that library for things.  Now I can use the library that is only a half mile walk away.  Once I got the card I had no idea what to look for.  For some reason I felt like I should get something out though and picked up a book about autism. 

A few minutes ago Gideon gave me a piece of his Halloween candy.  I can't eat chocolate, but can eat white chocolate so he gave me a white chocolate KitKat bar. 

The library and Gideon are my happy things for today, and the substitute is what I am reflecting on for gratitude. 

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