Monday, November 25, 2019

Run On Sentences

Today went much better at work than I thought it would.  The kids were rambunctious, but not horribly so.  The weather was clear, so I went for a walk after.  There is a trail sign I have been passing on the drive back to the house after work and it was calling me.  I know why now.  Some of those reasons are mine though and I will not dwell on them here.  Those reasons pulled at heart strings that played a sad tune. 

There were happy reasons that the trail called to me too, those reasons I will share.  There was a waterfall.  Not a huge one.  It was one that set my mind to dreaming.  I dreamed that instead of just capturing this place with a photo, that I could art.  That I could sit on that nearby rock with a pad of paper and be able to find a way to draw or paint that black water as it sped along to turn a dingy white as it fell, roaring down to scramble away over the rocks and then relax again as it spread out toward whatever lay ahead.   A daydream that within it had me sitting there long enough that I would be able to hear the water as if it were music and that I would be able to discern the different sounds within the roar like some hear the different instruments in an orchestra.   These thoughts energized me and lifted my soul.  These thoughts and daydreams are my happy things for today.

These things that made me happy are also to be grateful for.  I am also grateful for the long conversation this afternoon with my friend from Texas.  Because of that talk I sat down and did more weaving, ate dinner, and she inspired me to do some writing.  I haven't been good about writing this month of November.  Over 900 words today and I think I may at least have written more than the last time I tried to do anything for NaNoWriMo.  If I write the entire long weekend, it is doubtful that I will get the 50,000 words for the month.  More than last time is good enough for now.

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