Saturday, November 30, 2019

Black Friday

It is 3:40 PM and I am sitting in the old mill that houses Tandy Leather.  The smell of the leather is always wonderful.  I'm not sure what that smell is and it seems like such an odd fragrance to enjoy-dead animal.  However, I think it is the odor outside the store in the mill itself that I am enjoying more.  The smell of old wood I guess.  Perhaps lingering with a bit of machine oil.  Whatever it is, I'm sitting for a few minutes to appreciate it.

Six hours later I am back in my current temporary house after a nice relaxing afternoon and evening with a friend.  We went for a walk, ate and watched stuff on the television.  I'm very grateful to have friends that I can just chill with.

Things for me to be happy about today:

  • Research, even though I didn't find what I am looking for.
  • Old mill smell-no, I don't want it bottled.
  • Walks.
  • Friends.
  • It is only Friday.  There is still more weekend. 

On the ceiling of the mill.

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