Saturday, November 2, 2019

Barn Dance

Yesterday I posted that when doing the writing for nanowrimo I needed to remember that "this isn't a final draft, word vomit is okay, and nobody else ever has to read it."  I did go back and edit things as I wrote, there was very little word vomiting and although it is unlikely that anyone else will read it, I didn't write with that in mind.  What that tells me is that I need to play some mind games and edit less.  My total word count is a little over 1400 words.  Still not as much as I hoped, but doing well.

Tonight Z and I went to a friends house for a barn dance.  It was so much fun.  I only got to do three dances I think, but we had a good time dancing, listening to music and talking with folks.  Dancing is my ⁴happy for today.  I'm thankful that Z was willing to be the designated driver.

I only got one picture, and it isn't the best.  People were moving.

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