Thursday, March 28, 2019

A good day-picture heavy

When I left for work this morning I think there was at least three different types of birds singing.  It is possible that they have been around all winter and I am only hearing them now because it is light out instead of dark, but I choose to believe that warmer weather is on the way.  This was my first happy for today.  After work I met up with a friend for a walk and enjoyed the not freezing weather.  We even had some ice cream.  I took a bunch of pictures and this was another happy

In the evening was fighting practice.  I did something new and learned some of the basics of foot work and sword holding of fencing from two very talented fencers.  Having watched the heavy list fighters and fencers so much, I guess I finally decided that it could be fun to do and not just fun to watch.  There was no armor to fit me there tonight.  It is highly unlikely that I will become a serious fencer but I'm stepping out of that comfort zone and will try it.  This is my yet another happy for today.

On the way home from practice I heard my first spring peepers of the year.  Hearing them was the icing on the cake of what was already a pretty good day.  Getting home I was surprised that the family was still awake and I got to see some of the gorgeous garb my daughter has been making for an upcoming event.  I'm hoping to help her with some of that this weekend.  These are even more things to be happy about.  😄

Serious Pothole. 


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