Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring is Springing

Happy first day of Spring.  We still have some snow on the ground but mostly in what is left from being piled by shovels and plows.  The temperatures today were mild and more of the snow melted away.

Tonight's Marvel movie was Dr. Strange.  It was enjoyable but not as fast moving as the previous movies we've been watching.  There was more story and less action I guess.  One of the things we have been wondering as we watch these is whether Stan Lee will continue to have cameo appearances since he passed away last year.  I found an article that may shed some light on this here.

Spring is my happy for today.  I tend to enjoy that time around a season's change.  Doesn't matter the season, it is that transition that brings new things with it that I like.

We had an extra audience member for the movie tonight.

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