Thursday, March 7, 2019

Large Practice

Since the end of January I have been not doing as much SCA stuff on the week nights.  There was the cold that seemed to linger for the last month and some snow thrown into the mix too.  Tonight was fighter practice and I had planned on going and then made a point of it when we learned that a Duke would be there.  He lives in the southern part of the Kingdom and is taking a week and traveling to some practices and ours is one that he would be at.  Unfortunately the place where practice usually is had a different event and so we were moved to a smaller site.  There were about twice as many fighters as other nights.  Maybe three times as many, in less space.  There were people that traveled an hour and a half to be there.  He's a popular Duke.  

It is great to see so many fighters in the Barony.  I wish I had a better idea of how many actually live here.  I'd like to see some melee practices when the snow is gone.  Watching the fighters and meeting some of them is my happy for today.

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