Friday, March 22, 2019

Long Friday.

When I think back at jobs I have had and what the weekend meant, I think it is different for me with this job.  Not that I didn't look forward to weekends and the rest from work, but this is the only job that I have had where I am working with so many of the same people every day.  These people are seventh graders and that is not the best age.  So the break from them somehow has a different meaning for me.  Like I really need it.  Some days it seems like working at a department store at Christmastime and everyone has a question.  So I am happy for the weekend.

After school I went for a walk with a friend from work.  It was sprinkling and a bit cold and windy as we walked around one half of the building.  Continuing around it would be less cold and windy as the school building acted as a shield.  The fresh air was nice though and this too is a happy for today.

A nap happened when I eventually got home after a doctor appointment.  When my alarm went off I reset it and slept some more.  I was very disoriented waking up, thinking it was morning and wondering why I set the alarm so early for a Saturday.  Then realizing I am going to Rhode Island on Saturday and that I hadn't got ready yet and, oh, wait, it's still Friday!  Wow... anyhow, nap time is another happy for today-even though the waking up part was weird.

Friday there is a craft night and I wasn't sure I wanted to go.  I sent a text to K and she let me know there was someone there who wanted to talk with me so I jumped in the car and drove the two miles, such a distance 😉, to see what they wanted.  When I got there the person who wanted to talk to me handed me some hand drawn note cards.  They gave me some last week as well, beautiful work, to give away to people being invested as Baron and/or Baroness or as other gifts.  Last week we all joked about how I don't receive gifts well, I am not used to being handed things on not special occasions and so every time she sees me, she wants to have something to give to me.  This is a worthwhile goal and one I wish I could mimic.  Being able to give gifts, even small ones to people often would be grand.  Alas, I was not blessed with the gift giving talent, I struggle with the smallest of ideas.  Perhaps that is why it is so surprising and special when things are given to me.  Receiving these cards to give away and the story behind it are another happy for today.

One last happy is getting a hug from Gideon when I saw him today.  I've been visiting my friend all week and I think he was happy to see me.  💗

May your weekend be a restful gift.

The cards from tonight.
She is so talented! 

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