Monday, March 18, 2019


Very little sleep was had last night.  A short nap in the car on the ride home from sewing made it hard for me to fall asleep.  There was no Dungeons and Dragons after work today and I stayed late to try and catch up on some things.  I kept falling asleep at the desk.  Thankfully the students had all gone home!  The teacher was staying sorting through things and kept making conversation to help me stay awake.  The teachers I work with are great people.

This morning I had a rude awakening that basically told me that I need to get out there and walk again and probably go to the gym too.  I was squatting at the little refrigerator in the teacher's room putting away some things and was wearing my backpack.  I had to work very hard to get up.  For a moment I thought I was going to have to remove the pack in order to stand.  I can still feel the tightness in my legs. 

My friend and I watched Ant-man tonight.  I wasn't sure whether I would like this one or not.  The reason for this is just the ants.  Silly reason I know, but I enjoyed the movie and am counting that as my happy for today.  Now sleep for me!!

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