Monday, March 25, 2019

Cat Hat

Most of the day at work I was tired and when work was done I seemed to wake up.  Not sure what that was about.  Hopefully I will not have a problem falling asleep once this is written.  At work the students have been learning about Natural Selection and one of the activities they could do today, if other work was completed, is this game.  Last year I think I found that game easier than this year.  Or maybe I just paid more attention to my choices last year.

My friend and I watched Spider-man Homecoming tonight.  This is the first one that I have seen before, that she had not.  We have four more to see and then will go see the Captain Marvel movie that is in theaters now.  

Heather, the cat, was very happy to see me today.  She was wanting my attentions before my jacket was even off.  She even followed me down to my room when I put my bag downstairs.  My happy for today is the picture my friend took which kind of looks like I am wearing Heather as a hat.  😜

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