Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Ball and Investiture-Picture heavy

After the event my daughter told me that I seem to have fit better in my coronet today.  Like that it didn't quite look so much like playing dress up.   A friend gave me a small leather coronet to wear when the large one isn't convenient-like if I want to dance.   Having a coronet fly off a head when dancing could be... bad.  Along with an investiture, today's event was a ball, and so of course had dancing.  I only got one dance in and K did one as well.  I hope that those who stayed later got as much dancing as they could.

It was a day filled with happy things:

  • Watching the previous Baron and Baroness step down and greeting the new Baroness in.
  • Territorial Baronages get a front row seat at court so K and I could see and hear most everything going on.
  • Seeing Gideon as he laughed and played with friends.
  • The current Prince and Princess will soon be King and Queen, they are both learning and growing with their parts and I believe will continue to do well.
  • Their current Majesties will be stepping down soon.  I have enjoyed their reign and will miss them.  

 Being Invested and Court Pictures

Hey!  That is me.  Photo courtesy of K. 


With Musicians. 

Gideon playing with friends. 

Twins caught a ride! 

More Court. 

With the kids getting ready to chase the toy box down.

The scroll is on stained glass.  WOW. 

And hopefully a little over a minute of video of a dance.

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