Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Beans and Mustard

The students have finished with their eco-columns (sort of like this) and since some of them aren't taking them home, there are plants available.  The teacher was thinking of throwing them away but I asked for some and I brought them back to my friend's house this afternoon. She was kind enough to let me plant them.  Now her little herb garden area has some mustard and mung bean plants as well as some more worms.  We shall see if the plants will handle the change well.  I found it more difficult than I expected to get the plants out of the column and there was more bending than I would have liked.  We also planted some basil and cleaned that part of the garden up a little bit. We may get some vegetables to plant soon too.  Helping things grow is my happy for today.

Dogwood, I believe.

They still need water... 

The basil.

The chives come up every year.
There was a little parsley and some sage 
trying to come up too.

There is a moon in the sky! 
(Really, that little white spot over the tree)

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