Saturday, June 1, 2019

Pride Day

On Thursday I learned that there would be a Pride Day event in Concord, NH today.  I also learned that there is a group called Free Mom Hugs.  This, I decided, is a group I could get behind.  K painted a t-shirt for me last night and today I attended my first ever Pride Event.  I've always been a bit of an introvert.  I like to think that I have been coming out of my shell a bit over the last few years.  Taking up performing and becoming a Baroness are part of that.  Standing among a group of strangers with a shirt that offers free hugs is kind of a big thing for me. 

There is no way I could have done this on my own.  Had K and Gideon not been there along with a friend of ours from town, I may have chickened out and not found the table with other hugging moms to say hello to.  As it was I didn't stay with them for very long and mostly walked around by myself or with the family.  The family left earlier than me though, I stayed until it ended around two in the afternoon.

The first stranger I hugged however, made it all completely worth it.  She saw the shirt, made that universal arms slightly stretched movement sign for a hug and we smiled and hugged each other.  She told me that she hasn't talked to her mom in 5 years.  That, for her, it was the best decision she could make and she was happier for it.  It was an extraordinarily moving moment for me.  Words were shared, I started to tear up and we hugged again.  Later another person and I hugged and as they walked away they started to tear up, saying that they must have really needed that.  There was a lot of time for me just wandering around the area looking at booths and listening to the music and speakers.  In the beginning, there was an interfaith service that was powerful, as was the last drag queen performance. 

Taking part of this is my happy for today.  As part of the day I also got to talk to my son, C, on the phone.  The picture below includes him on the phone talking with Gideon.  Today also included nail painting, an interesting bible tidbit I found, and the first day of a "30 Day Butt and Gut Challenge a friend and I are doing."

I have mixed feelings about people writing on statues
even with chalk that will wash away the next time it rains.
Love is Love.

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