Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Tournament- Long Post

It is Sunday morning after an event and I find myself waking up in the car.  I stopped for a power nap, expecting to not sleep for very long.   I was wrong.  What a difference having a pillow can make!  So before I resume my drive I will write my Blog from Saturday.

There were power naps on the way to the event.  I didn't sleep well and got up very early to avoid traffic that I imagined would be getting onto the Cape.   There was some rain on the drive that didn't quite go away until late morning.   It didn't seem to take away from the event.   

During morning court Their Majesties said goodbye to the Baronage that have been serving for the last three years and said hello to a new Baron and Baroness.  As I think back on seeing these two, briefly,  prior to their stepping up, they seemed calm?  Maybe not calm, but I remember feeling anxiety and I thought I showed it, they didn't show it, at least not that I could tell.

After the investiture, the fighter's were called forth to speak with Their Majesties.  At the end of the tournament today the victor would be the Heavy List Champion for the King.  The Queen gets to choose her champion from the fighters though.   Because of this, she watches the tournament and both Majesties speak to the fighters prior.  The tournament lasted a few hours and the champions were announced at evening court.

There were a few fighters from Stonemarche who fought well but none won the day.  There was also a Rose Tournament where the loser of the bout got a rose from the Queen to present to a person of the winner's choice.  I was presented two, each from a different fighter.  This was an honor for me.  I did not keep the roses however.   During the day two ladies helped me by retaining and, more importantly,  making the long walk to my car for things I had forgotten.  For this service they each got a Rose.  The Stonemarche fighters were each given a token by me for entering the tournament and being part of the Barony.

At evening court I was surprised by being called up and awarded with the Queen's Order of Courtesy.  Again, I have recieved something that I don't feel worthy of.  The award is an embroidered glove.  It was beautifully embroidered by a friend.  Her Majesty made sure to pass on that this glove is not a piece of clothing and I am not Dobby the House-elf from Harry Potter and am not now free.

There was a feast to be enjoyed with friends to close out the evening.  Now for my list of happy things for Saturday:

  • The site was beautiful.
  • Friendly faces.
  • A six year old's view of fireflies.
  • Spending time with friends.
  • Watching a two year old shovel kale soup into her mouth.  And oh, that same child's eyes!
  • Getting to know new friends.
  • The Queen's Order of Courtesy.
  • Watching people help other people.
  • The phone call I recieved after the event that my daughter and son are on their way back from Texas!!
And a couple pictures from the event....

This was taken during feast.

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