Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy? Father's Day.

Apologies, in advance, for a not very happy post.

This is the 19th Father's Day since my father passed away.  It has been a rather melancholy day for me.  I believe, for the majority of humans, we always miss our parents.  There have been and still are family members in my life that I consider mother figures after my mom passed, but no family members that stepped into the father figure roll for me.  This is not to say that I don't have some awesome older cousins and uncles that I am sure would step into that roll if I had asked, it just never happened.  Thankfully, the SCA is full of parental as well as brother and sister types.  As time goes on, I have lost some of those as well.  That is part of getting older, mourning those that go before us.  Today we are asked to celebrate the Fathers in our lives; I hope that those reading this had a splendid day and were able to be with family.  K is visiting her father in Texas and Z is with his dad too. 

My happy today is all the love we have for our family, friends and chosen family.

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