Sunday, June 30, 2019

Good Samaritans

After awakening in my car this morning and while I wrote the blog about yesterday I opened the window of the car to take some pictures of squabbling birds.  Much to my dismay while capturing the pictures the lights on the dashboard started to flash.  I quickly turned the key and the car refused to start.  There was nothing that I can tell that got left on, but the battery was dead.  Eventually a nice man stopped by and offered to jump start the car.  Funny thing though with new cars... the battery is hidden, things just aren't the same.  Someone else drove by and he asked them to help me.  This young man had a truck, with a battery, and was quickly able to jump start the car.  So very thankful!  I made it home without incident after that.

My happy things for today:

  • Watching the birds
  • The Good Samaritans  💜💜
  • My kids are on the way here from Texas!!  😄
  • Gideon asking me if anything special happened at the event yesterday... that kid can keep a secret!
  • Lunch out with Z, Gideon, and Z's parents.
  • This may be a Millennial thing coming from a Baby Boomer, but I LOVE that I can make one post on Facebook and be able to thank so many people at a time.
  • Making new friends on Facebook.
  • Sleep... I slept in the car for at least five hours and when I got home at least another two.  Then I had a nap in the middle of the day.   ðŸ˜´

Queen's Order of Courtesy

Trying to make some artsy photos 

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