Thursday, June 20, 2019

What a day!

Sometime in the middle of my deep, Benadryl sleep last night I felt that my arm was swelling up.  Well, it was already swollen around the site where something bit me on Monday but this was like the rings on my fingers suddenly seemed too small and I pulled them off and left them on the bed beside me.  This morning I could only find one of the two rings I took off.  There has yet to be an extensive search because of the doctor appointment this morning and other things that had to be done.  Somewhere in my room there is the ring my aunt/godmother gave me for my sixteenth birthday.  Hopefully I will find it tomorrow, when I have a little more time, and before it gets stepped on or squished into a drawer.  The arm is seeming a bit better today, wish the itching would end though.

After my doctor appointment-where she thought waiting one more day to see if my body will take care of the bite itself before prescribing meds-I met up with some work friends for a birthday celebration.  Hopefully I will find some time to get together with them again over the summer.

I was able to take a nap before heading out to fighter practice tonight.  This proved to be a good thing because there were people there to talk to and I had to do more than sit and watch.  A former Baron and his wife were there and toward the end of practice a local reporter came by to see about writing a story for the local paper.  This was a big reminder that I should get myself some business cards. 

It was a good day visiting with friends and meeting new people.  Happy things for today include:

  • Seeing some improvement on my arm where something bit me on Monday.
  • Good food.
  • Great company.
  • Plans coming together (some anyways).
  • Naps.

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