Friday, June 14, 2019


The last Friday of the school year.  The kids are so ready to be on vacation.  The biggest reason I am ready for vacation is that the kids are nuts this time of year.  There are many things that I hope to do over vacation, but only time will tell what gets accomplished.

The eco-column I made at school got brought home today.  It is sitting high up on a shelf where it shouldn't get knocked over.  It may get overlooked or forgotten there though.  If I can get productive over the next few days I want to make some kind of a plant hanger for it.  I have an idea in my head that I can't put to words.  I also want to make a larger eco-column for the long-term.  I have no idea how long things will last in there...

Gideon and I walked to craft night this evening.  With a slight detour it was almost a mile and a half.  He was great.  We got ice cream after and then a ride home from his parents.  I decided to be home earlier rather than later tonight.  Getting to spend some time with Gideon is my happy for today.




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