Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Nine More Days

The closer to summer break it gets, the less anyone wants to be in school.  There are nine days left to the school year. Just one weekend that will be like a 'weekend' until next school year when it all starts again. 

This summer I am trying to plan some things early on.  Last year I fell into a bit of depression once there was no where to be.  This time, I am hoping to be more prepared.  To that end I am going to make a list of mountains to climb- real and figurative.  The first is Mount Major, the second is a full days worth of time (8-10 hours?) going through the storage unit, and then to do as much preparing-in advance- for event camping season as possible.  Other things include selling my house and my car, finishing projects that I have begun (like the storage unit), and seeing if I can climb some other real mountains in there too.  I am very well aware that I will not achieve all the things on my list.

My happy things for today are:

  • Goals
  • Walks
  • Irises (not my personal favorite, but they are in gorgeous bloom now)
  • Award planning (Shh)
  • Smiles

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