Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Short & Tired

Somehow I managed to forget to publish yesterday's blog last night.  Maybe because I fell asleep while writing it?  I noticed this afternoon when I got on my computer to do exercises.  The little mouse arrow hovering over the big orange Publish button.  Since I am just as tired tonight this will be short.  When doing my exercises I accidentally pushed a button (or the website automatically did something) and a YouTube video of a TedX started to play.  It is exercise related which is why I choose to share it here.

Tonight was the first official rehearsal for the i Sebastiani performance that will be in August.  I'm kicking myself for not bringing a pen or pencil with me tonight to make notes.  Tomorrow I will try to work on that some.  As I read through the scenario I thought I was playing the character one way and realized that it should be another way.  These are the notes I need to keep track of.  Getting together with the troupe is my happy for today.

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