Friday, June 28, 2019

Fried Friday

Life intervened with my plans for an early start today.  They intervened so hard that I am waiting until tomorrow to go to the event I was going to camp at today.  Gideon has had an allergic reaction to something that has caused his eyelid to swell.  He will be fine.  Enough of my day was spent taking care of him and the other finishing touches to be ready for this weekend that I was too tired and hot to make the drive.  Gideon will not be able to go to the event now.  He will recover faster if he isn't in a different place with new allergens and possibly less clean water.    

Any how, my happy things for today:
  • Gideon only has allergies and not something more serious.
  • People in my Barony are super awesome.
  • Exercise routines.
  • Cherries.
  • It appears that my daughter's car is fixed and she will no longer be stranded (well, she is with family) in Texas!

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