Thursday, January 31, 2019

Baby it's cold outside

While in the shower this morning K calls in and asks if I am going to work.  I respond, in a gravely voice that yes, I am.  When asked why, I answer that because I am able to talk.  By the time I am at work however the voice is mostly gone again.  The power of a hot shower is most likely why my voice was better this morning.

After work I wanted to go for a walk in the woods.  Then I thought about the lack of voice and went home instead.  I'm not sure, but I don't think the temperatures got much into the teens today.  So I took care of the SCA email and rested the afternoon away.  I'm told that I will have a humidifier in my room tonight, maybe that will help.  Wanting to take a walk is a good sign.  I haven't really felt sick, occasional coughs and that is about it.  I am no more tired than I usually am after a long, event filled weekend, and it isn't like I sleep well to begin with. 

My happy for today is getting a ride from K to the parking garage.  It was below zero this morning and walking the ten minutes to the garage with wet hair would not have helped my voice.  Another happy is the M&M's that Z brought home from the grocery store today.  They are white chocolate, which I can have.  No regular chocolate or caffeine for me.

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