Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Still No Voice

Today I stayed home from work in hopes that my voice would improve.  It hasn't.  There is a delayed opening tomorrow and I plan to go to work.  I also plan to use a small white board or a pad of paper to converse with the students and teachers.  They may send me home.

My day home was sort of productive.  K and I went through the calendar to decide what events we might like to go to for the next few months.  Well, she sent me a list that I put onto the calendar.  I texted her across the room and she responded, usually with voice.  Gideon whispers to me or mouths things so I have no idea what he says at first.  I spent more time on Facebook than I should have and missed out on a birthday dinner with a friend.

My happy for today is that I caught up with my exchequer duties up to this point.  There is a little more reorganizing of files I could do but I know who has sent what and who hasn't sent anything.  I also started getting email as Baroness today.  Somehow, K started getting hers but I didn't mine and had to message the web minister.  It is all set now.

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