Monday, January 28, 2019


My voice is still gone.  Most of the day was spent resting and drinking tea.  This morning however, was time to take the visiting family to the airport so they could return to Texas.  Things didn't go precisely as planned.  It started with a mix-up of who would be in which car.  This was followed by the window in one of the cars getting stuck, frozen, in the down position, when the temp outside was 18 degrees (making the windchill along the highway around -8 degrees) , and K had only a sweater to keep her 'warm'.  E and I snuggled in the back to try to stay warm (picture below).  We stopped for breakfast at IHOP and one last visit with everyone.  It was decided that instead of the entire group of us driving the hour+ to the airport that I would drive the four passengers and the rest of the family would go home.  Five people squished into the Prius would be better than four people warm and four freezing in the Fit.  Once we were all in the cars, the window in the Fit went up!  We continued with the plan to go our separate ways and I got the passengers to the airport warm and in time.

Somehow in my anxious state while being invested I missed hearing C say behind me "That's my mom."  I can hear it in my head like a memory that had to be pulled through the mire of stress to surface.  This is only one of the memories from the weekend that, now that it is pulled out, I hope to hold onto.

Other memories include:
-K going down on one knee and asking me to be the baroness to her baron and presenting me with a green and white fidget ring.
-Seeing the event through the eyes of my friend from Texas who was at her first event.  She was so very helpful and retained for me, helped pack and unpack my car and so many other small but oh so significant things. 
-The phone conversation with K where she proceeded to tell me that I was the pretty one and I protested.  What does she then tell me?  "That's why I put a ring on it."  😂
-So many kind faces, helpful people, hugs, gifts, new people, old friends, love and gratitude.
-People swore fealty to us, this is important as we pledge back to them as well. 
-The coronet falling over my eyes.
-Meeting and spending time with E's parents.
-Talking with C about the possibility of their marriage to E.  😍
-The outfits we wore.  OMG.
-So much gratitude that I am feeling.

So many happy memories. 


 Group photos. 

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