Sunday, January 13, 2019


Most of today was spent in a meeting about different things going on in our local SCA group.   Different upcoming events, policy changes and officer reports are all going through my head.  Also all of the tiny details as to how things will happen as K and I become the next Baronage.  This process is sometimes overwhelming, but mostly things keep popping up that I either forgot or didn't expect to need to do yet.

One of these things is needing to speak at a Kingdom level meeting.  It is something that I didn't expect to need to do the first full day on the job.  I expected to go to the meeting and observe and learn how it is organized.  It is possible that I may not have to, but at this point, there are things that are on the docket that may require a comment or two.  I'll be reading the docket more closely over the next few days.

Too much business.  My happy things for today are hugs from friends and family, having to think and problem solve, and weird, online stuff that Gideon  made.

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