Thursday, January 3, 2019


There was some snow early this morning so the commute to work was white knuckle.  The roads weren't too bad, but I did pass a few accidents so there were obviously some spots that were worse than others, or careless drivers, so better to be careful.  It cleared up mid-morning and was bright and sunny when I left work. When I got back to the house in the afternoon the snow had melted away from the driveway and most other places.  Thankful that shoveling was not necessary.  ❄

Pennsic (a large SCA camping event) registrations have opened and I am already getting questions.  This is my first year being the land agent for our group.  It is not something that has to fall into the hands of the Baroness or Baron of our Barony.  I volunteered for it for other reasons and would have done this any how.  I didn't expect the questions so soon.  The event isn't until summer, but questions I received and so answers have been given.  I probably should have checked my notes before answering.  Either way, Pennsic camp planning is on my list of things to do now.

This afternoon was my appointment to try to get my car inspected, again.  This time it passed!!  My headlights were better enough.  I was told that they most likely won't pass next year if I don't get them cleaned again.  My car has over 250,000 miles on it.  I'm skeptical that it will make it another year.  A legal vehicle is my happy for today.

Twilight time walk. 

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