Friday, January 18, 2019


It is 7:30 PM and all I want is food and sleep.  I've had some food, but more would be good.  I had intended to embroider a favor tonight but I keep drifting off to sleep with needle in hand.  Tomorrow is another day.  I started coughing, sneezing and feeling all 'a-cold's-coming-on' this afternoon.   So early to bed for me.  I have to nip this in the bud this weekend.

At lunch today I was asked to talk about the upcoming investiture and all the things we were doing to get ready.  I told them about the dress that is being made for me and how I am trying to make shoes and the favors and coronets and ... I forgot to mention the thrones.  Her eyes lit up and she is just so excited for me and seeing it through her eyes helped to lift my spirits.  So much is going on at school that I sometimes forget the other things in my life that are going well.  Things could be better, of course.  Seeing her sparkling eyes is a happy for today.

Another happy for today happened at the grocery store.  There is a storm coming and it is Friday so the place was pretty packed.  I was walking through the parking lot to enter and a woman asked if I wanted to use her cart.  I said I didn't need it I was only getting a few things.  Her expression started to change, she had been trying to do something nice and I shut her down.  Realizing this I offered to bring her cart back to the store for her.  She lit right up again and we wished each other a happy weekend.  If I could find this stranger, I would let her know that I probably could have used the cart after all.

I paced the house a few times and woke up enough to keep writing.  There is another happy for today.  I received a text message from my friend in Texas today:
                  💦 sending reminder and 😃 millionaire to all your cells!!!
Translated she was reminding me to drink water and to send happy millionaire thoughts to all my cells. 

Lastly, this was in my locker at work today.  😊
It is no longer 7:30, I think in bed before 9:30 is still a win for a bedtime for me.  😉

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