Wednesday, January 16, 2019


There was a professional development day this afternoon at work.  Part of it was on the Competency Based Education that the school has started to use and the other was about stress management.  The stress management one was a condensed version of a full day program.  A TEDx program was used to help teach some strategies.  I have watched this program a few times already and most likely have linked to it before, but it is pretty good (and funny), so here

K and I went to work on our garb for the Investiture.  My gown is going to look fabulous.  There is still a bunch to do but we are getting there.  We also got handed some gifts at a craft night.  It was a very busy day.

We got home after Z and Gideon had gone to bed.  There was a late arrival Christmas present from a friend to K & Z and I asked K to open it tonight.  She wanted me to wait until tomorrow but I am most likely not coming right home then and wanted to see her open them.  Her happiness at opening them is my happy thing for today.

There is a brand new microwave and these are covers to help keep it clean.
She thought they were great.

This series of pictures shows her surprise and happiness for the other gift... 

For the brand new dish washer! 

She loves gnomes!


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