Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Driving into work, and back, I am often headed into the sunrise, or almost sunset.  Watching the colors in the sky change, the clouds go from dark through all sorts of reds or oranges or yellows or pinks, as well as blues or purples.... I want to stop and stay just to experience them all.  Instead I am off to work.  Heading home I think I will go out once I am back and go for a walk to watch, sometimes I do.  There is something about the sun rising that seems to hold some kind of hope with it.  And as it sets sometimes there is a yearning to know what the next day might bring.  These are things I was reminded of today.

Those are some of the thoughts that clouded my mind this morning.  They were good thoughts.  After work was wind down time with an audio book, but the drive in I was somehow able stay with my own thoughts. 

Tonight I went to rehearsal and got to step into a character that I haven't played before, Il Capitano.  It can be difficult to step into someone else's roll.  Reminding myself that this is improv helps, and each run through I got a bit better I think.  Attending the rehearsals so that I know how everyone is playing their characters will help too.  Between the holidays and not going last week I was a little lost. 

Happy things today:

  • The sunrise-the clouds were black against the predawn blue sky with an ever lightening red on the horizon.
  • Time with friends.
  • Coming up with flowery speeches on the fly (I can't say I did this well, but it was more fun-and more work-than I expected).
  • Hugs.  Hugs are awesome.
  • Singing in the car (I haven't done much of that lately and it kind of felt good).
Sunrise, where the camera can not express the fullness of the colors.

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